Treatment Options
Contact us to find out about what orthodontic treatment options are available to you.
Before you attend for your next appointment please read the instructions on the pop-up and watch the COVID-19 video.
We are allowing fewer patients into the practice building than before, and reducing the amount of time you will spend in the waiting room.
On arrival at the practice, please stay in your car until 5 minutes before your appointment time, or ring the practice to let them know you have arrived early.. The triage nurse will meet you at the front door which will be locked. If she does not see you, please ring the doorbell.
Our maximum capacity is 10 people in the waiting room. We have to prioritise patients and will therefore ask accompanying parents or guardians to wait outside or in the car. If the orthodontist needs to see you, the triage nurse will know. If you need to see the orthodontist please inform the triage nurse, and you will be contacted on your mobile.
If you have been exposed to the virus, or if you are feeling unwell, we would encourage you to get tested 48hrs before your appointment, and please do not attend if the result is positive or if you have been instructed to isolate.